HomeInDepth“Trenchless Goes Hybrid” in GEOSTRATA Magazine

Trenchless Goes Hybrid


Old Tricks Are Finding New Applications in Brian Dorwart’s Article for GEOSTRATA

Trenchless Goes Hybrid GeoStrata Magazine

Necessity is the mother of invention, and this has been demonstrated in the advancements that have been made in trenchless construction methods, particularly over the last few decades.

The December/January issue of GEOSTRATA Magazine, a publication of the American Society of Consulting Engineers, features an article by Brierley Associates’ Trenchless Specialist Brian Dorwart. Brian reviews the origins of trenchless technologies and shows how contractors are using all the tools at their disposal to install pipelines of varying diameters into all ground conditions. Some of the innovations have come about through communication and collaboration between the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor.

Click here to read the article in GEOSTRATA Magazine.

Figure 1
Figure 1. Dual rod system. (Photo courtesy of Ellingson Companies.)
Figure 2
Figure 2. Prime P-80 drill turning dual rods. (Photo courtesy of Ellingson Companies.)
Figure 3
Figure 3. Pilot tube installed with an Akkerman head. (Photo courtesy of Ellingson Companies.)

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